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Early signs are that pupils really enjoy using the program, they like the characters and the successes they gain from the consistent practise and seeing their results improve.

I think when we do the maths timed sheets in the morning it helps us get faster and learn our sums quicker. It helps me learn when we do Big Guy number bond and step 1 step 2.

I just wanted to say how fantastic I think SAMSON is. I am a parent and know very little about it but have a son in P7 at Troqueer
Primary who has never “got” numbers and “hated maths”. I found this difficult as I was taught arithmetic well and use “mental maths”
every day at 40. Since he has started SAMSON he has made huge progress with all aspects of mental maths - it’s quite unbelievable. I
only wish he had benefitted from it sooner! He’s even enjoying numbers and their challenges now which is great. I’m looking forward to
learning a bit more about the strategies and how parents can support the work at home soon. I think it’s a brilliant addition to kids
education and just wanted to thank you very much!

I quite enjoy maths. I feel that the mental strip sheets have helped my speed and the mental agility has helped my techniques.

So glad our school made the choice to go with SAMSON. Looking forward to seeing my son develop new skills.